Is Barefoot Running Better?

As a seasoned runner, I can share a multitude of stories about the countless miles under my belt, the thrill of crossing finish lines, and all the shoes I've worn out along the way. However, an interesting twist in my running journey was the discovery of barefoot running. It opened up a new perspective and left me asking, "Is barefoot running better?"

The Unexpected Discovery

I remember one sunny afternoon when my usual running shoes gave up on me mid-run. I was miles away from home, left with nothing but my bare feet. It was a peculiar situation, but I decided to continue my run. That's when I experienced the unique sensation of barefoot running.

The Unexpected Benefits

Running barefoot felt liberating. My feet were more in sync with the terrain, and it felt as if I had a newfound sense of balance and agility. It was almost like rediscovering running. But was this just a novelty, or were there real benefits to running barefoot?

Barefoot Running: The Pros and Cons

Like any different approach, barefoot running comes with its pros and cons. Let's explore:


  • Improved running form: Barefoot running promotes a forefoot or midfoot strike, which is often associated with a more natural running form. It can potentially enhance running efficiency and reduce impact on the joints.

  • Strengthening of foot muscles: Running without shoes can work the muscles in your feet and lower legs that often remain under-utilised when in cushioned footwear.

  • Increased proprioception: Barefoot running can enhance your sense of body movement and positioning, improving balance and coordination.


  • Risk of injury: Barefoot running exposes your feet to potential hazards like sharp objects, rough surfaces, and extreme temperatures.

  • Requires adaptation: Transitioning from shod to unshod running requires time and adaptation to avoid straining muscles and tendons.

  • Limited by climate and terrain: Barefoot running may not be practical or comfortable in certain climates and terrains.

So, Is Barefoot Running Better?

There's no one-size-fits-all answer. The benefits of barefoot running are undeniable, but it comes with its share of risks. It's a personal decision and depends on factors like your running style, comfort, and willingness to adapt.

For some, the sensory experience and natural running form associated with barefoot running may outweigh the risks. For others, the potential hazards and adaptation period can be deterrents.

To Run or Not to Run Barefoot?

If you're considering barefoot running, start slow. Test it out on a safe and soft surface, gradually increasing your distance. Listen to your body and stop if you feel any discomfort. Remember, the aim is to enjoy running and improve performance, not to invite injuries.

On the flip side, if you're content with your running shoes, that's perfectly fine too. Running is a personal journey, and what matters most is finding what works best for you.

Whether you choose to run barefoot or stick to your trusty running shoes, keep the joy of running alive. After all, it's not just about the miles we clock but also the experiences we gain along the way.